Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 176 (2/9): Not a bare naked lady...yet

Colton is growing...(gulp)...up.  I have loved every minute of motherhood for the most part and enjoy seeing him grow up and get wiser. The latter may have taken longer than I hoped but he has improved in school more this year than in years past. Most mothers want them to go back to being babies when they are so cute and cuddly but not me. I remember sleepless nights and diaper changing and definitely do not want to go back there.  I rather like these recent years of independence and inquisitiveness.  Colton's questions really make you wonder sometimes:
1)  Why is Jesus a baby every year at Christmas?
2)  Why is the sky blue?
3) If you get married again, will I get a baby brother?

He has been decorating his walls with posters from his Sports Illustrated Magazine for Kids to show his independence. Check out his interior design skills:


He tapes up football and basketball cards and the middle poster inserts from the magazine.  I know probably the next step is to post pics of bands and groups that he likes and then much as I don't want to think about it.....swimsuit models and naked ladies. That's what all boys do, gulp, right?  I've seen dorm rooms of guys and they did a little interior decorating that was not so classy. 
And yes that is a huge box of candy on his desk. He has halloween, easter, valentine's day candy collected from probably the last 2 years.  He did not get the candy eating gene from me so he doesn't pig out on the holidays.  Good for me as he doesn't notice when I sneak a Snickers or two but not good when other kids come to the house and see that big box of candy.  I can almost hear the hallelujah chorus playing in their head as they spot it and want to dig right in.  Thank goodness I can send them all hyped up on sugar back to their parents.

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