Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 49 (2/19): My new favorite student...

Most teachers won't admit that they have favorite students. But we do. We all do. I think it's something that is inate in nature - to like some more than others.  For me personally, I walk into a class the first day and I like everyone equally.  I think they all hold the same amount of promise for me, that sponge that is ready to be filled with mathematical knowledge.  And then that student comes up and tells me that they are going to be gone for 6 days and they have the nerve to ask if they will still pass the class.  They immediately move down out of the favorite ranks and I usually want to throw their sponge across the room.  My favorite students are usually those that do what is expected of them and what model students should do.  They come to class on time. They study. They ask questions. They listen. They might not be the smartest student but they try.  That is probably what I like the most - students that try.

I had many favorite students this past cycle but one that I will never forget brought me a cake on the last day.  It was gorgeous with the smoothest frosting and beautiful pink flowers and pink bow. She made it and I couldn't wait to taste it.  In fact if you look real close at the picture, you'll see a little break in the icing that accidentally fell off on my finger and I had to lick it off.  It was homemade icing and so yummy.  I could not wait to get home and have a piece. 
I cut into it and then I saw that there was a middle layer of more homemade delicious-ness.  I ate that first bite and then I knew she was my favorite.  That middle layer was filled with a strawberry creamy heaven like substance.  It was the best tasting cake I had ever had in my life.  It even beat the neighbor kid's wedding cake I had about 2 years ago that I had about 5 pieces at the wedding.  (Good thing there were so many people at the weddign they didn't realize I kept on getting back in line for more.)  The frosting was not too sweet and truly a perfect combination with the white cake.  She did amazing work and I will hire her to make my birthday cake and any other celebration cake.  Now don't just think that she is my favorite student because of the cake.  She was a great student coming to class every day, sitting in the front row, asking questions when she needed help and she tried.  In fact, she took the final and received the highest grade of anyone that had taken that final (and this was before she brought me the cake!)

I had the cake for breakfast the next day.  It counts for breakfast if you have a big glass of milk with it or at least that's what I told myself.  I also am forgettting some of the stuff that I learned in kindergarten - like sharing - until this cake is gone.  I love this cake!

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