Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 53 (2/23): Ramblers and Rusty

I listen to 94.5 Country most days when driving the 30-45 minutes to work and about a week ago they talked about the St. Jude benefit at Ramblers which featured a concert by Rusty Rierson. 94.5 Country has DJs Rusty Walker and Jim Daniels in the morning (shown above).  It was, of course, FREE and we know how I love free things!  Well you had to pay for your meal but that was how you donated to the cause.  Since I was going to eat anyways I might as well make those calories count as a donation for something besides extra padding on my badonkadonk. They played some of Rusty's songs on the radio and he was pretty good so I googled him and checked out more of his bio and music.  I was impressed and so looking forward to the night just to get away from grading and work.  And it did not let me down - Rusty was phenomenal and quite the entertainer!
You can find more of his music at his website: http://www.rustyrierson.com/
He does a great rendition of "If my nose were running money, I'd blow it all on you....
but it's snot" to make fun of country song lyrics.

Rusty and Jim made funny balloon shapes and challenged the audience to blow up one of the balloons without a balloon pump. If the audience member did they would stick $10 in the St. Jude's bucket.

Rusty Walker told some really bad jokes but she thought they were pretty funny.

I think Jim was thinking about swording Rusty with this balloon?? Perhaps because of the bad jokes??
Rusty even signed the magazine cover he was recently featured in - KSU's Agriculturist.  He's attending school at KSU working on his master's degree. His advisor was even there to support him. 

Rusty was joined by Larry Jenssen, from Wichita, KS.  This picture shows how Rambler's used to be called The Ranch in its earlier days.  Larry was a great keyboardist and I did a little research on him and he's starting up his own Christian band (http://www.myspace.com/lar222 )

One of my favorite parts of the evening is when Rusty Rierson's father got up and sang with the group.  When he wasn't singing with them, he was back at his table nodding along and playing the drums with straws on the lady that sat next to him.  He was such a proud papa and you could see it all over his face as he watched his son perform.

I would definitely recommend Rusty Rierson!  His vocals were great and he was quite the entertainer.  He sang a variety of songs of his own and some covers that could appeal to all - Zac Brown, Sweet Home Alabama, Garth, George Strait, Don Williams and Johnny Cash.  So if you see him performing near you, GO!  You won't regret it!

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