My day was absolutely horrible but thank goodness for the KSU Wildcats to take my mind off the chaos. Too tired to write about all that drama but I would love to talk about the Cats! Check out these gigantic heads the students brought. I soooooo want one!

Now check out these the SuperCat outfits, EMAW Heroes, or whatever you would call it. I bet they make their mothers proud!

Now for the real reason why I like going to the games. Frankie! He was in prime form tonight and was absolutely hilarious to watch.

He was even joking with the refs telling them they should have counted twice since McRudder held the ball for so long trying to get it inbounds.

And this little move was to mock one of the players on the floor. Not a good picture because I was laughing and jiggling as I took it but you get the point.

I love the Wildcats and can't wait for their next game!
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